ALL’ARME premiere – Panzetti/ Ticconi

The premiere of the Dance Concert: Je Šlo Fuć by Podmladak 2.0 from the Studio Contemporary Dance Company and the punk band Željezne Pilule was held on the rooftop terrace of the Ribnjak Youth Center on June 9, 2024.
The project was conceived and choreographed by Iva Katarinčić, in collaboration with the performers from Podmladak: Lucija Burčul, Antea Čop, Laura Jurašić, Dalija Stanić (Podmladak 2.0), and members of the band Željezne Pilule: Barbara Cvjetičanin, Morena Dobrić, Mihaela Dužnović, Marta Goleš Salihagić, and Katja Njari.
After succesful last year’s shows of our most recent prosuction Firebird, choreographed by Sergiu Matis, we are very happy to announce new shows in Zagreb Dance Center (ZPC):
March, 8th 2024. at 8 PM
March, 9th 2024. at 8 PM
April, 23rd 2024. at 8 PM
April, 24th 2024. at 8 PM
May, 7th 2024. at 8 PM
May, 8th 2024. at 8 PM
FIREBIRD ✧ Nina Đurđević
We are very happy to announce new shows of our performance for children Cockroaches, directed by Mario Kovač.
The shows will take place in Zagreb Dance Center (ZPC) on February, 28th at 6 PM and February, 29th at 10 AM.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Žohari ✧ Nina Đurđević
We are very happy to announce our next performance: House Bolero, choreographed by Matej Kejžar will be performed again, maybe for the last time, by full cast, including retired members of Studio. Come and celebrate dance with us in Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM) on Tuesday, 13th of February, 2024. at 8 PM. We are looking forward to seeing You in the audience and after.
HOUSE BOLERO ✧ Nina Đurđević
STUDIO CONTEMPORARY DANCE COMPANY is looking for four dancers with rich experience in professional dance, for a two year engagement in the company, with a possibility of prolonging the contract. We are looking for mature dancers, older than 26 years of age, with strong improvisational skills, strong dance technique and experience in pedagogical work. Two dancers start their work with the company in April 2024, and the other two in September, 2024.
Audition will take place on Sunday, February, 25th, 2024 from 10 AM till 5 PM in ZKM (Poly).
Please, send your applications with a resume and a photo to: till February, 11th, 2024, the latest.
HOUSE BOLERO ✧ Nina Đurđević
Studio Contemporary Dance Company is announcing an Open Call for choreographers interested in creating a short dance form as a part of the programme Studio Youth 2.0. The vision for Studio Youth programme is to form a young ensemble which creates performative works that speak to young audiences, that is, older adolescents (17+) and in that context, we are interested in an engaged work that corresponds with interests, questions and preoccupations of modern day adolescents. This year, we want to form the performative work as a dance concert in collaboration with female teenage band Željezne pilule.
Besides for making a dance concert, created materials will be used in filming a short video, in combination with one original song from the reportoire of the band.
Željezne pilule is a female teenage band active since November 2022, which plays and creates under influence of punk (punk rock, hardcore, riot grrrl, postpunk). Themes of their songs are problems of women in modern day, growing up, social relations, addictions, mental health problems etc. Members of the band are: Katja Njari, vocalist of strong character studying Comparative Literature and Croatian Language and Literature; Mihaela Dužnović, rythm guitarist, back up singer and future dentist; Morena Dobrić, a smashing lead guitarist, not rarely the brain of the band and future paleonthologist; Marta Goleš Salihagić, a perky drummer and design student and Barbara Cvjetičanin, a future star actress and energetic bass player. On their reportoire are original songs Ženska Histerija, Xanax, Moja persona and soon Delirij Tremens, as well as covers Troje (Xenia), Cherry Bomb (The Runaways) i Deceptacion (Le Tigre).
Working process is planned for the period between March, 18th and June, 14th. (rehearsals are happening 3 times per week in the evening with possibility of adding extra rehearsals and working online).
The dance concert is planned for mid June.
We invite choreographers to send their CV with a short concept proposition to: till January, 30th the latest.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications!
After a successful premiere, we are very happy to announce new performances of Firebird, choreographed by Sergiu Matis, which will take place on 1st and 2nd of December 2023 in Zagreb Dance Center at 8 PM.
FIREBIRD ✧ Nina Đurđević
We are very happy to announce that our performance figures, figures, choreographed by Martina Tomić, will be a part of Sissi Autumn Dance Week Festival in Budapest. Figures, figures will take stage of Bethlen Square Theatre in Budapest on November, 15th, 2023 at 7 PM.
STUDIO YOUTH 2.0 by Studio Contemporary Dance Company is a special programme of creative education for young dancers based on the work on contemporary dance techniques, improvisation and creative process with the support of the pedagogues – members of Studio Contemporary Dance Company. It is imagined as an educational programme which prepares young dancers for continuation of their higher artistic education and professional artistic work.
Since the restart of the project, many members of Studio Youth continued their higher artistic education on academies in Croatia and abroad and some of them gained higher visibility in the realm of broader contemporary dance comunity and started with their own professional artistic work.
Beside being an educational programme in its basis, long term goal of the project is creating a young semi-professional company which creates performances intended for young audience. Thus, from 2024, the programme becomes an all-year round project and we enrich it with content that opens new possibilities of professional experiences for all members.
Studio Youth programme 2024 begins in January 2024 and includes:
-continuous work on contemporary dance techniques and improvisation with the members of Studio
-individual menthor work (technical and creative) with the support of the members of the company (special attention given to preparations for auditions for artistic academies)
-access to professional morning classes with the comopany once a month, all year round
-creative process with a selected young choreographer with performances in professional conditions (CM Ribnjak, Festival Malih plesnih formi-KUC Travno, with a possibility of performing on festivals aimed at atracting young audience)
-possibility of participating in a choreographic research by Ana Mrak (1-2 members)
-learning repertoire of Studio’s performances for young audience, in order to ensure substitutes for professional company with possibility of performing with the company
Audition is open for young dancers (16+) and the application must include basic information about candidate (name and surname, date of birth, short CV)
Please, send your application to till Novemeber, 30th 2023 the latest.
The audition will be held on December, 3rd 2023 in Centar za kulturu Ribnjak at 4 PM.
The performance Cockroaches, directed by Mario Kovač is selected as a part of the 2023 program Ruksak pun kulture (Backpack full of culture) by Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media. After performances and workshops held in Vrpolje, Božjakovina, Laslovo and Tovarnik, Studio Contemporary Dance Company will perform and teach workshops in elementary schools in Runovići and Sisak.
Žohari ✧ Nina Đurđević
Last weekend Studio Contemporary Dance Company made a premiere of the new piece Firebird, chorographed by Sergiu Matis. Next shows are planned for Decmber, 1st and 2nd 2023 in Zagreb Dance Center.
Author: Sergiu Matis
Performed by: Studio Contemporary Dance Company
Premire: 13.10.2023, 8 PM
Reprise: 14.10.2023, 8 PM
How would the world look like without birds?
In this performance, the sad song of the firebird speaks about a world in flames. Dance becomes a desperate attempt of an escape from one’s own human form and transforms into a desire for metamorphosis and rebirth. In a world without future we reach for leftovers: myths and folk tales which are based on the force of nature. This search for the firebird forefronts birds which inspired folk storytelling. In times when many species are in danger of extinction, the firebird represents a hopeless gesture of nature conservation in theatre by recollecting imminent connection between human kind and environment.
Choreography: Sergiu Matis
Performed by: Branko Banković, Ana Mrak, Ana Vnučec, Martina Tomić i Ida Jolić
Dramaturgy: Mila Pavićević
Asistent of choreography and dramaturgy: Dina Ekštajn
Text: Sergiu Matis in collaboration with creative team and performers of Firebird
Vocal coach: Bojan Pogrmilović
Music: Hrvoje Nikšić
Costume design: Zdravka Ivandija Kirigin
Asistent of costume design and making of head pieces: Ana Roko
Making of set: Leonardo Krakić, Krešimir Brkljačić, Antonio Gabelić i Dina Ekštajn
Light design: Saša Fistrić
Translation of subtitles to Croatian: Ana Vnučec i Dina Ekštajn
Photography: Nina Đurđević, Anto Magzan
Visuals: Tihomir Filipec
Production: Studio Contemporary Dance Company
Realized in cooperation wtih Zagreb Dance Center, as a part of non residential program support.
This project is supported by the funds of Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media, City of Zagreb and Kultura Nova foundation.
Thanks to: Helena Novosel, Matija Baotić, Hive.
FIREBIRD ✧ Nina Đurđević