Bruno Isaković
Mila Pavičević
Branko Banković, Ana Vnučec,
Dina Ekštajn, Kaia Gilje,
Lana Hosni, Ilija Surla,
Ana Mrak, Hanna Hellström,
Mia Zalukar, Željko Drmić,
Bosiljka Vujović-Mažuran
Aleksandar Čavlek
Studio Contemporary Dance Company, This is a Domino project – Perforations Festival
Bosiljka Vujović-Mažuran
25.06.2015. at Perforation festival, Zagreb
Zvonimir Dobrović
The performance is funded by the Zagreb Office for Culture, Ministry of Culture of Republic Croatia and realised in the framework of the European project Be SpecACTive!
Denuded is a rigorous exploration of the relationship between the breath and physical tension, and the ways in which they permeate the body in each moment. Isaković first created Denuded as a solo in 2013, and then as a duet in 2014. With multiple bodies, he transforms his approach to movement to bring into play the dynamics of a diverse ensemble, examining various aspects and levels of interaction among the performers, as well as the relationship between the performers and the audience. The body is engaged in organic, brutally decelerated, and controlled movement that gradually shifts in texture and scale. “Movement and the relationship within the group is suspended in the natural speed of the breath,” says Isaković. “The movement’s weight, muscle tension, position in space; and even the associative links between the performers are suspended within it.” With the body in constant transformation, the viewer is faced with a continuous rereading of Denuded‘s shifting shapes, distortions, and images.
Bruno Isaković is a performer and choreographer living in Zagreb, Croatia. He graduated with a degree in contemporary dance from Amsterdam School of the Arts in 2009. From year 2011 till 2015 he was a member of Studio Contemporary Dance Company. He is the Artistic director of Sounded Bodies Festival which happens annually in the fall season in Zagreb, Croatia. He has received various scholarships, as well as Jury Award and Best Solo Dance at Solo Dance International Festival in Budapest and Croatian Actor Award 2016 for the best choreography for Denuded. Isaković regularly teaches workshops and dance classes. (Bilgi University of Performing Arts – Istanbul, contemporary dance department at The Academy of Dramatic Art – Zagreb – , TSEKH Summer School – Moscow, Dance department at The National University of General San Martín, Buenos Aires). READ MORE...
Solo version of Denuded, performed by Bruno Isaković, created in year 2013, toured around the world and was performed close to 30 times, covering 5 continents from New York, Tokyo, London, Sao Paulo to Hobart. This led him to the creation of ensemble version of the work. Performance Disclosures was created and premiered in New York in September 2015 while Croatian version raSkrivanja was premiered in June 2016. Together with Mia Zalukar he founded artistic organisation Little Tomorrow trough which they produced duet Suddenly Everywhere and performance for 10 dancers Shake it off.