Marta Krešić

Marta Krešić (Zagreb, 1991.) is a dance artist based in Zagreb, Croatia. Apart from a BA in Contemporary Dance, she participated in Tanzfabrik Dance Intensive Program in Berlin and completed an internship at the interdisciplinary platform TILT in Amsterdam.
Alongside her collaborative practice with MOLDkolektiv, with whom she creates performances and interdisciplinary workshops (, she works as a performer and choreographer with various artists and art organizations based in Zagreb.
She was awarded with the Dance associations award for the best performance in total for the performance Dance performance created with Martina Tomić.
She has been teaching dance and movement for over a decade and facilitates creative educational programs for artists, educators, children and hobbyists.
Marta is currently educating in the Body Based Psychotherapy in Zagreb and since 2024. is a member of Studio contemporary dance company.