After a few year break, in 2021 Studio Contemporary Dance Company restarted the educational programme for young dancers, STUDIO YOUTH 2.0, which was exceptionally in that year, because of the epidemiological situation, held exclusively online. It was based on creAtive research process called DANCE SONGS – POETRY AND PHISICALLITY, and its goal was creating solo works which were, in a form of a dance video, streamed for the first time online on social networks and webpages of Studio Contemporary Dance Company.
The origin of creative process came out of current preoccupations of Studio Contemporary Dance Company with a base in the research project by Martina Tomić and Ivana Đula, which Studio was conducting in 2020. In that sense, Studio shared its processes, methods and tools with the dance community and members of Studio Youth 2.0.
The main idea of the project was a research of the ways in which a poetic text can correlate with a sound, a body, a voice and a dance performance, and vice versa. How does poetry emerge from phisicallity of a dancer and vice versa? The approach to the research was led by the idea of tuning down the rythm. The rythm is the one that offers us a space of imagination and enhances the imaginarium of the reader or the viewer. In the research process the phisicallity was observed as a letter on a paper, notes obtained from the research out of the body of the dancer, instances that make the figure of the body, but can also create a poetic figure. It was a search for work principles which would, through assignements or activities, establish a practice for approach to the material, in this case poetry out of movement, or movement out of poetry, at the same time not neglecting the poeticiy of the movement.
Ana Novković
Podmladak 2.0/ Ana Novković/ Izlazak from Studio za suvremeni ples – SSP on Vimeo.
Ana Kljujev
Podmladak 2.0/Ana Kljuljev/Visoki jablani from Studio za suvremeni ples – SSP on Vimeo.
Ivona Mezulić
Podmladak 2.0/ Ivona Mezulić from Studio za suvremeni ples – SSP on Vimeo.
Jana Božić
Podmladak 2.0/ Jana Božić/ Andante from Studio za suvremeni ples – SSP on Vimeo.
Sunčica Bandić
Podmladak 2.0/ Sunčica Bandić/ Žena koja se igra from Studio za suvremeni ples – SSP on Vimeo.