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studio youth 2023 intro





studio youth 2023 bio


/dɪsˈɔːdə/disorder (premiere of Studio Youth)


What started as a research of BODY DISMORPHIC DISORDER became a research and an attempt of choreographing a disorder as such. Disorder of rythm, perception, self boundaries, borders of space, disorder of interpreting yourself, distrust of your own assesment, inability of the correct interpretation of environment. Question: in relation to what do we determine non-disturbed, correct (and beacause of that also beautiful), and maybe the most important – if a succesion of irregularities becomes a rule, are there irregularities at all or there is just rythm? In relation to what do we build perception/trust/direction?

Author: Sara Stanić
Choreographic assistance: Martina Tomić
Performed by: Nola Rađenović-Fijan, Vito Milković, Filip Sever, Antea Čop
Project was created within the frame of Ribnjak residency
Production: Studio za suvremeni ples (SSP)

Members of Studio Youth 2023: Nola Rađenović-Fijan, Vito Milković, Filip Sever, Antea Čop, Gisela Karman, Ana Novković, Dora Lončarić

DISORDER   ✧   photo: Nina Đurđević

DISORDER   ✧   photo: Nina Đurđević

DISORDER   ✧   photo: Nina Đurđević

DISORDER   ✧   photo: Nina Đurđević

DISORDER   ✧   photo: Nina Đurđević

DISORDER   ✧   photo: Nina Đurđević