11 Jun 2023

Studio’s performances as a part of 40. Dance Week Festival

At the end of the season, in

11 Jun 2023

At the end of the season, in collaboration with 40. Dance Week Festival, Studio Contemporary Dance Company gives two perfeormances as a gift to Zagreb audience! The performances will take place in Center for Culture Ribnjak.
The entry is free of charge, but it is neccessary to register.
You will be able to see House Bolero, choreographed by Matej Kejžar and a premiere of DISORDER, directed by Sara Stanić and performed by members of Studio Youth.

more about performance


/dɪsˈɔːdə/disorder (premiere of Studio Youth)


What started as a research of BODY DISMORPHIC DISORDER became a research and an attempt of choreographing a disorder as such. Disorder of rythm, perception, self boundaries, borders of space, disorder of interpreting yourself, distrust of your own assesment, inability of the correct interpretation of environment. Question: in relation to what do we determine non-disturbed, correct (and beacause of that also beautiful), and maybe the most important – if a succesion of irregularities becomes a rule, are there irregularities at all or there is just rythm? In relation to what do we build perception/trust/direction?

Author: Sara Stanić
Choreographic assistance: Martina Tomić
Performed by: members of Studio Youth programme
Project was created within the frame of Ribnjak residency
Production: Studio za suvremeni ples (SSP)

The entry is free of charge but it is necessary to reserve tickets on: studio.suvremeni.ples@gmail.com

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